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Oct 15, 2019

USDA Grants $3.2 Million Toward Whitefly Research | VSCNews

Researchers will focus specifically on vegetable systems and find long-term sustainable solutions to manage whiteflies and whitefly-transmitted virus complexes. There are three whitefly-transmitted viral pathogens, which are known to reduce the quality of vegetable crops, specifically cucurbits: cucurbit leaf crumple virus, cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus and sida golden mosaic virus.

Jul 10, 2018

Cantaloupe project aimed at finding variety less susceptible to bacteria | UGA

University of Georgia scientists are assisting in a study to find a cantaloupe variety with less netting on the rind in the hopes that the fruit will be less susceptible to the bacteria or pathogens that settle in the netting on the outside of the fruit. Read more about this USDA funded research on cantaloupes.

Mar 28, 2018

Secretary Perdue Issues USDA Statement on Plant Breeding Innovation| VSC news

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue issued a statement providing clarification on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) oversight of plants produced through innovative new breeding techniques which include techniques called genome editing. Read More at VSC news

Feb 1, 2018

Machine Harvested Pickling Cucumbers – Risk Management Fact Sheet

The USDA publishes an annual risk management fact sheet that provides a general overview of the crop insurance program including losses from plant disease.

Dec 18, 2017

USDA Announces National Watermelon Promotion Board Appointments

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue today announced the appointment of 13 individuals to serve on the National Watermelon Promotion Board.

Sep 28, 2017

Global Agricultural Trade System

Agricultural export data are available from the  Global Agricultural Trade System database.

Aug 12, 2015

Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education | ipmPIPE

The ipmPIPE is a mapping and forecasting system that was developed by NIFA and its land-grant partners, along with APHIS and RMA. The system provides a network of crop pest monitors (primarily Extension specialists) working together to find, report, and track key pests, pushing information to growers for responsible and timely treatments for each pest.